Thursday, August 3, 2017

Management Of Asthma In Pregnancy

Asthma is the most common respiratory disorder affecting 3% of women of childbearing age. Pregnancy has a variable effect on asthma but for the vast majority of women there is no impact whatsoever.

The most common reason due to which asthma symptoms appear is that patients reduce their treatment because of a belief that the medication may be harmful. All commonly used medications
to control asthma are safe in pregnancy. All patients must be reassured that any flairs of their asthma must not be ignored and that treatment with medication such as steroids is safe both for themselves and for their fetus.

With regard to the effect of asthma on fetal outcome, there is no evidence that there is any significant impact on fetal growth or outcome.

Any patient whose asthma seems to be deteriorating, particularly in the third trimester, should be seen by an obstetric physician for review. It is obviously desirable that control of their asthma should be at its optimum prior to the onset of labor.

Management Of Asthma In Pregnancy
The best way to manage asthma is to avoid having an attack in the first place. 
Patient should be counselled to avoid exposure to her asthma triggers. This would help in improving the symptoms and decreasing the need of medications. 

The treatment and medicines are almost the same for pregnant woman as well as non pregnant asthma patients.

Management of Acute Asthma
  • Pregnant women with asthma should be considered to be high-risk patients, and their management requires a close monitoring by the physician as well as an obstetrician.
  • Evaluation in the emergency department and treatment of the pregnant asthmatic patient is almost the same as in the nonpregnant state, with some modifications.