Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Abdominal Pain In Pregnancy

Abdominal pain or periods like cramps are one of the very common symptoms of pregnancy. Most of the time it is normal and nothing to worry about but sometimes there may be some serious underlying reason for the pain. 

Normal Pregnancy Pains

- Once you get pregnant your uterus starts to grow and this may cause mild to moderate pain in your lower abdomen and lower back. The pain feels like a pressure or like some stretching or pulling. Some woman may describe it as similar to usual periods like cramps. 

Later in pregnancy when baby grows and puts on weight , you may feel uncomfortable and abdominal organs do get pushed away giving a sense of pressure and pain. 

How to Get Relief   

If abdominal pain is mild and not a sign of labor or any other serious underlying condition it usually gets relieved by:

- Changing your posture

- Lying down and getting some rest.

- Drinking plenty of fluids. 

- Taking a warm bath.

- Eating some light snacks.

- Gentle stretching of back and leg muscles. 

Serious Causes